Part 27
Let's go back to places and try out that new HM, shall we?

Aww, it ran.

Well I-

Height: 5'11" Weight: 277.3 lbs.
Habitat: Mountains Types: Normal
Stage 1: Evolves from Teddiursa
In the forests inhabited by Ursaring, it is said that there are many streams and towering trees where they gather food. With its ability to distinguish any smell, it unfailingly finds all food buried deep underground. Although it is a good climber, it prefers to snap stout trees with its forelegs and eat fallen Berries.


Weepinbell #070
Height: 3'03" Weight: 14.1 lbs.
Habitat: Forests Types: Grass/Poison
Stage 1: Evolves from Bellsprout
When hungry, Weepinbell swallows anything that moves. Its hapless prey is melted inside by strong enzymes. Weepinbell has a large hook on its rear end. At night, this species hooks on to a tree branch and goes to sleep. If it moves around in its sleep, it may wake up to find itself on the ground. The leaves act as cutters for slashing foes. If its prey is bigger than its mouth, it slices up the victim with sharp leaves, then eats every morsel. It spits out Poison Powder to cripple its victim and then finishes it with a spray of Acid. Even thought it is filled with Acid, it does not melt because it also oozes a neutralizing fluid.
Apparently hurting my butt was enough to make Honeypot evolve!

Heading South...
Tentacool #072
Height: 2'11" Weight: 100 lbs.
Habitat: Oceanic Types: Water/Poison
It ensnares its foe with its two long tentacles, then stabs with the poison stingers at their tips. They drift in shallow seas; anglers who hook them by accident are often punished by their stingers. Tentacool's body is largely composed of water. Very difficult to see in water, it may not be noticed until it stings. If it is removed from the sea, it dries up like parchment. If this Pokémon happens to become dehydrated, put it back into the sea. Tentacool absorb sunlight and refract it using water inside its body to convert it into beam energy. This Pokémon shoots beams from its crystal-like eyes. When the tide goes out, dehydrated Tentacool remains can be found washed up on the shore.

Union Cave!

Wait, Yippy is too cute. I don't want him to change.

Natu #177
Height: 0'08" Weight: 4 lbs
Habitat: Forests Types: Psychic/Flying
Natu has a highly developed jumping ability. This species flaps and leaps onto tree branches that are taller than grown-up people to pick at the tree's new shoots. However, Natu cannot fly because its wings are not yet fully grown. If your eyes meet with this Pokémon's eyes, it will stare back intently at you. But if you move even slightly, it will hop away to safety. Natu's eyes look as if they are always observing something.
I named it Cleo but missed the screencap.

Quagsire #195
Height: 4'07" Weight: 165.3 lbs
Habitat: Freshwater Types: Water/Ground
Stage 1: Evolves from Wooper
Quagsire hunts for food by leaving its mouth wide open in water and waiting for its prey to blunder in unaware. Its body is always slimy. Because the Pokémon does not move, it wastes little energy. Due to its relaxed and carefree attitude, it often bumps its head on boulders and boat hulls as it swims. It often bangs its head on the river bottom as it swims but seems not to care.

Maybe an actual update with content next. :B
AHAHAHAHAHA I love you Zorak.Zorak posted:
I don't know why I honestly spent so much time working on this...

I'm very frightened by how this thread has devolved from Ursaring to Tentacle Rape.
So since I'm not gonna update again until tomorrow night. EVERYBODY LOOK. BABY POKEYMANS.
God why do I like cute stuff.

Pichu is special.

Also Jemmalen started coloring the Smoochum.